Steve Jobs Was Digital Maverick but Marketing Traditionalist

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The Apple brand is about putting little pieces of the future in the hands of consumers. Yet Steve Jobs, master marketer, took a very traditional approach to advertising.

At a time when marketers obsess over the virtues of targeting, «likes,» dashboards, platforms of all stripes and sophisticated social-media-monitoring schemes, Mr. Jobs kept it simple: tell the story of how an amazing product can change your life in the best environment possible.

And while many accept the lessons of Mr. Jobs the product designer and have sought to emulate him in that regard, it seems they all too often overlook his influence as a marketer where he was decidedly — and effectively — old school.


Современным онлайн-гикам довольно сложно понять, что маркетинг может не иметь ничего общего с лайками или баннерами, и при этом оставаться именно маркетингом. Вся деятельность Apple — это очень хороший материал для того, чтобы начать процесс такого понимания.