Мнение американца о России — навеяно Олимпиадой

Писатель и сценарист Роджер Саймон на фоне новостей с еще не начавшейся Олимпиады в Сочи вспоминает собственные поездки в Россию и СССР и делает вывод:

Communist, socialist, capitalist or something not yet invented, Russia will always be Russia — at least in most of our lifetimes anyway. It’s a fascinating place with an amazing culture of many of history’s greatest writers and musicians, but no one would ever want to live there or go there for a fun recreational vacation. It’s just nerve-wracking. (Don’t ask about the time I stayed in the Hotel Ukraina and the whole place had just been covered with heavily leaded paint and you couldn’t open the windows.)

So when I heard that Sochi had been chosen for the Winter Olympics, I laughed and said to myself — this I’ve got to see. And apparently we are. Good luck to Team USA. I hope they packed some extra cases of Pellegrino or Evian, like five hundred bottles per athlete. It sounds as if they’re going to need it for showers.