IE7 и стандарты

Ричард МакМанус разговаривает с Крисом Уилсоном — менеджером разработки IE — о поддержке стандартов в IE7.

I think that we really have made some great improvements «There were a ton of bugs from IE6 that were causing web developers a lot of pain — and we really wanted to nail those and the most requested features upfront.» in our standards support in IE7. The target for that was not just passing any one particular test. For example Paul Thurrott’s old post talked about when I said on the IE Blog that in IE7 we were not going to pass the Acid2 test that The Web Standards Project did. [That] was largely because although it’s a great set of things to be testing, some of the features on that list weren’t going to go to the top of our list. We’re trying to improve the world for web developers and when we looked at what people were saying they wanted us to do, there were a ton of bugs that were causing web developers a lot of pain, from IE6 — and we really wanted to nail those and the most requested features upfront. And I’m actually really proud and very pleased with what we’ve managed to get accomplished in IE7. It’s actually a little more than I expected when we set out to do this. But having said that, I do have to say we’ve got a lot more work to do after that. We’ve been plotting out the next couple of releases of IE — and I certainly don’t think that we’re done with improving web standards support at all.