Technorati в Европе

Technorati заключила соглашение с европейской пиар-фирмой Edelman для разработки локализированных версий своего сервиса для французского, немецкого, итальянского, китайского и корейского языков, после разработки которых Edelman получит исключительное право на их использование до начала следующего года.

В статье приводится любопытная статистика по европейским блогам:

Most blogs today are published in English (39 percent) and Japanese (31 percent), according to Edelman/Technorati, but that make-up is changing, with more non-English blogs appearing every day.

Businesses and brands are discussed in European blogs, but not nearly as often as in the U.S. and in Japan, the companies said. In a recent study by the companies of 213 Japanese bloggers, 84.5 percent said they blog about companies, and more than half said they were never contacted by companies.

Among the other recent findings of Edelman and Technorati are the following:

— Nearly a quarter of the population in the U.S., the U.K. and France read blogs at least once a week

— The number of media articles mentioning blogs has steadily increased, reaching a high of 766 mentions in the second quarter this year

— The English, Japanese and Chinese languages account for 82 percent of blog postings

— All but one of the world’s 100 most influential blogs are published by Americans. The exception, by the Italian commentator Beppe Grillo, at number 28, is in English as well as Italian

— More French blogs tend to be personal journals (30 percent), followed by technology and business (22 percent) and cooking (19 percent)

— Most German blogs are about technology (25 percent), followed by personal journals (22 percent) and media and/or public relations (12 percent)

— Italian blogs are mostly personal diaries (43 percent), followed by political blogs (27 percent) and technology (11 percent)

— U.S. blogs are mostly about technology (34 percent), followed by culture and entertainment (26 percent), politics (25 percent) and business (12 percent). Only 3 percent of U.S. blogs are personal diaries.