Дэнни Салливан уходит из Searchenginewatch

Вот так новость — Дэнни Салливан уходит из SearchEngineWatch (via). В комментариях пишут о конце эры и т.д. Вот как он объясняет свое решение:

I was concerned about moving forward with Incisive, however. I’m far from the only reason behind the success of SEW and SES, but I’ve played a major role. I helped build both of those assets. Then I watched one company sell them to another without me having any formal capital stake in the sale. That left me wary of history repeating itself. I wasn’t going to help this new company grow the business out of the sheer kindness of my heart.

I explained these reservations at the very beginning of my relationship with Incisive, that I needed some long-term incentive for helping them continue to grow and strengthen the site and conferences. After over a year of talks, that’s failed to materialize. As a result, I’m departing.

Мораль — не надо продавать свои проекты, если не хотите обнаружить, что от вас в них более ничего не зависит. Я этой ошибки избежал.