Эпопея Макклюра продолжается. Или заканчивается

История с Дэйвом Макклюром развивается дальше — Дэйв ушел в отставку с поста генерального партнера 500Startups. В собственном посте в блоге он всячески извиняется, используя различные самоуничижительные характеристики.

I made advances towards multiple women in work-related situations, where it was clearly inappropriate. I put people in compromising and inappropriate situations, and I selfishly took advantage of those situations where I should have known better. My behavior was inexcusable and wrong.

With respect to the NYT article above and Sarah Kunst specifically, I’d like to sincerely apologize for making inappropriate advances towards her several years ago over drinks, late one night in a small group, where she mentioned she was interested in a job at 500. While I did not offer her a job at the time, a few days/weeks later I did refer her to my co-founder Christine Tsai to begin a formal interview process with 500, where Christine and others on the team met with her. Ultimately, 500 decided not to offer Sarah a job. Again my apologies to Sarah for my inappropriate behavior in a setting I thought was social, but in hindsight was clearly not. It was my fault and I take full responsibility. She was correct in calling me out.

For these and other incidents where I have been at fault, I would like to apologize for being a clueless, selfish, unapologetic and defensive ass.

To all those I let down, and especially to those I directly offended and hurt: I’m very sorry.

Мне эта ситуация кажется явным перебором по части политкорректности. Тем более, что одновременно есть вот такой прекрасный рассказ от основательницы Slideshare, как тот же Дэйв ей помогал побороть явно сексистское отношение инвесторов в Долине.